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Pavlos-Petros Tournaris

Sr. Staff Software Engineer (Platform/DevOps/SRE) @ Blueground

Open Source contributor - Github

Google - CloudBuild contributor (Cancelot release article)

CircleCI - Guest Article Writer (Restructuring Litho's CircleCI config for Workflows)

Writing technical articles @ Medium

GDE on Android (since April 2019)

Staff Software Engineer (DevOps/SRE) @ Blueground
08-2021 - Present
• Working on all things related to infrastructure (AWS, Kubernetes, Helm, ArgoCD) and CI/CD (Jenkins, Github Actions, Bitrise)
• Transitioned all company workload to Graviton2 instances
• Karpenter introduction for Kubernetes cluster scaling
• Built Platform team's administrative CLI in Rust for daily operations
• Kubernetes HPA infrastructure utilizing KEDA & Cloudwatch metrics
• Infrastructure provisioning with Ansible, Packer
• Migrating Cloudformation to Terraform (IaC)
• SLOs infrastructure on Datadog
• Cloudflare WAF configuration
• DNSSEC introduction
• Kafka

Senior Software Engineer (Platform/DevOps/SRE) @ Blueground
02-2021 - 07-2021
• Working on all things related to infrastructure (AWS, Kubernetes) and CI/CD

Senior Software Engineer (Android) @ Blueground
01-2020 - 02-2021
• Focusing on CI, Tooling and build systems

Mobile Tech Lead @ Workable
05-2019 - 11-2019
• Focusing on Mobile team infrastructure & team management

Senior Software Engineer (Android) @ Workable
08-2018 - 05-2019
• Focusing on CI, Tooling and build systems

Software Engineer (Android) @ Workable
03-2016 - 07-2018
• Working on the development of Workable's Android Application. Libraries used: Retrofit, RxJava, RxAndroid, Gson, Dagger 2, Glide, Databinding, JUnit, Espresso

Full Stack Mobile Developer @ Vanderbox
02-2015 - 03-2016
• Developing Internal and Client Backend systems in Node.JS hosted and utilizing Amazon Web Services such as EC2, RDS, S3, Lambda, CloudFront, CloudWatch and Elastic Transcoder.

Mobile Developer @ Vanderbox
10-2014 - 02-2015
• Developed several Business to Business Applications, utilizing APIs like: WebRTC through WebView, GCM Push Notifications, Content Providers and AppCompat Library.

Android Developer @ Freelance
10-2012 - 10-2014
• Developed several Android Applications for third party clients.

Android Developer @ Plugle Project - Google Launchpad Athens
10-2013 - 12-2013
• Created a prototype application that communicated with an Arduino board through the local network in order to remotely control electrical appliances in your home. The product designed met the MVP requirements because it went through rapid prototyping.
Provided Services
AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, Kotlin, Kafka, Git, Bash scripting

CI/CD (Github Actions, Jenkins, CircleCI, CloudBuild)

Ruby, Rust, Python, SQL, Javascript (Node), Typescript

IntelliJ Plugin Development

Slack Platform & API
Experience with the RTM API and Incoming Webhooks. Built several Slack bots.


QA Testing - Mobile (Android)
Intermediate (mainly writing E2E tests utilizing Appium & Stevia)
Efficient error handling on Android
1st Android Athens Meetup - 09/2016

Creating and Uploading a simple Android App on PlayStore
Digital Universe #1 - 04/2015